Welcome to the Twin Cities most exclusive BDSM club, THE DEN. Where every sexual fetish can be explored without judgment or risk of exposure. Release your secret desires and come join in the wicked play.

Copyright © 2014 by Harlequin Enterprises Limited
Publication Date: 11-26-2012​
Carina Press
ISBN: 9781426894695​​
Type: eBook & Audio​
Genre: Erotic Romance​
Length: Novel, 78,000 words​
Series: Wicked Play
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After ending her passionless marriage, Cali Reynolds is eager to live out her forbidden fantasies. Her first step is attending new members' night at The Den, the most exclusive sex club in town. Perhaps here she can find a man who understands her desire to be dominated…
At first, Jake McCallister thinks Cali has come to his club for the wrong reasons. But when he discovers she is seeking fulfillment after years of denial, he's intrigued—and takes it upon himself to initiate her into the pleasures she's been missing.
Her first encounter with Jake is everything Cali has always craved, and more; she's not prepared for the feelings he inspires in her. And Jake is just as surprised by his overwhelming attraction to Cali. As their play intensifies, so does their bond. Now, Jake doesn't want anyone but Cali—but is he ready to officially claim her? And will she submit to being his forever?​

"Bonds of Trust is a beautifully detailed erotic romance that is driven by the characters' love and not
just the sex." ​- 4 1/2 Stars, RT Book Reviews
“…bridging the gap between mainstream romance and Fifty Shades of Grey… this title will appeal to fans of the works of Lora Leigh, Maya Banks, or Sylvia Day.” – Library Journal Xpress Reviews
“Bonds of Trust is the first book by Lynda Aicher that I have read, and I have to say I got so much more than I was expecting!!” – 4.75 stars, Purest Delight, Guilty Pleasure Book Reviews
“It is emotionally connecting from the beginning to the end, impossible to put down, and will have you craving for the next book.” – 5 Hoots, Nocturne Romance Reads
“This book has wonderful writing with rich characters and thigh squeezing sex scenes! You have got to check this out!” – 4.5 Stars –Top Pick, Night Owl Reviews
“How can you not fall in love with a 40-something woman attempting to "get her groove back" and finding love within the walls of an exclusive BDSM club?” – 5 stars - Top Pick, The Romance Reviews
“I recommend this book to those who like a good contemporary romance with some kink…”
– 4 stars, Ms. Reality Bookworm
The Series
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
Book 5
Book 6
Book 7
Book .5
Copyright © 2012 by Lynda Aicher. Permission to reproduce text granted by Harlequin Books S.A.
“Do you like bondage?”
“I don’t know.”
“Spankings? Whips? Floggings?”
“I don’t know.”
“Exhibitionism, being a slave, serving a Master?”
“Again, I don’t know.”
“Golden showers, enemas or any other classification of water sports?”
“What?” Cali Reynolds gasped then shuddered. Water sports? “God, no.”
The long-haired co-owner of The Den paused in his barrage of questions to eye her intently. He braced an elbow on the desk and leaned in, assessing her, the blue polo shirt tugging across his shoulders, his muscled biceps flexing. Seth Mathews was the last obstacle she had to pass before she could be granted membership to the exclusive club. He gave a half smile at the expression of pure disgust that had to be on her face.
“There are members here who do enjoy those activities, Ms. Reynolds,” the man said. “These are standard interview questions. I hope your opinions wouldn’t be so blatantly displayed in the presence of those who do like those things.”
She winced. Her hands clenched in her lap and she hoped the large desk between them hid the action. “I didn’t mean any disrespect. It’s just not for me.”
He nodded then glanced at the paper on his desk, making a mark on the page. He appeared younger than she’d expected, maybe late thirties, but his age didn’t hinder the authority he exuded. “What are you looking for, then?” He studied her, missing nothing.
She swallowed, her stomach knotting into a state of sickly pain. “I don’t know, exactly,” she answered, her face heating with embarrassment. She tore her gaze from his and stared at her lap. She picked uncharacteristically at the small hangnail on her thumb, wondering if the straight-cut black slacks and purple sweater set had been too conservative for this interview.
He sighed, the pen clattering against the desk as he tossed it down and leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest. “Then why are you here? The Den is the most exclusive BDSM club in the Twin Cities. If you don’t know what you want or like, then why come here?”
She snapped her chin up, desperation snaking into her voice. “Because you are the most exclusive club. I have to get in here.”
Cali ducked her head, tucking her hair behind her ear, using the habitual move to calm herself. Why, indeed. “I’ll never try this anywhere else.” She waited for him to respond, but he didn’t. So she continued, filling in the silence with the truth. “It’s taken me a very long time to understand what I desire. Just as long to accept that what I crave sexually is way outside the box of normal. And even longer to do something about it. This isn’t a game for me, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
He picked up the pen, letting the object flip absently between his fingers. “Why now?”
“If not now, then it’s never.” She took a deep breath and hoped he believed her, because it was true. This was her one and only chance of safely getting what she secretly fantasized about. She couldn’t risk the exposure by going anywhere else.
He sat forward. “Why do you think you’re a submissive if you’ve never participated in any submissive activities?”
“How did you know you were a dominant?” she fired back. He obviously was and she was tired of his game. Of the questions and disbelief. She wasn’t going to be intimidated into walking out because he doubted her intentions. “How did you discover what you liked and wanted without experiencing them? I bet you didn’t know for sure. No one can. So if inexperience is the only thing keeping me from getting into this club, then I ask you, how else am I supposed to learn?”
He stared at her and this time, she didn’t flinch away. She’d thrown down the challenge and she wasn’t backing down. Maybe he’d toss her out or maybe, just maybe, he’d throw her over the desk and spank her for her defiance. Her gut dropped at that thought as a wave of heat flashed through her.
Either way, she’d have an answer.
After a minute of tense silence, a slow smile curled over his sensual lips. He stood, his large frame towering over her as he extended his hand. “Welcome to The Den, Ms. Reynolds.”​